TRex - the Stego muncher
A steganography image-muncher (well, workflow tool)
TRex is a steganography workflow tool based on *NIX commands (file, strings, binwalk), analysis tools (stegoVeritas, stegocracker), and techniques (header fixes, PKZIP isolation) to streamline steganography image file analysis.
TRex - the Stego muncher
Here is a workflow tool I built in BASH for tackling many of the steganography challenges I've come across in CTFs.
TRex is a steganography workflow tool based on *NIX commands (file, strings, binwalk), analysis tools (stegoVeritas, stegocracker), and techniques (header fixes, PKZIP isolation) to streamline steganography image file analysis.
USAGE: TRex filename [-q] [-r]
-q runs stegcracker using the quick self-generated wordlist (from filename and strings output)
-r runs stegcracker using the rockyou wordlist
-? or --help displays this usage information
Results can be found in the local directory named after the analysed file
Requires: stegoVeritas available at github/bannsec/stegoVeritas
Requires: stegcracker available at github/Paradoxis/stegcracker
Creates an output directory named after the target file without extension
Runs the file through file
Checks for EXIF data
If the file type identified by file is PNG, runs the file through pngcheck
If the pngcheck indicates a bad CRC check, replaces the bad CRC with the expected CRC
If the file contains the PKZIP header, runs the file through binwalk to identify the index of any PKZIP headers.
Isolates possible PKZIP files from binwalk indices
Runs the file through stegoVeritas LSB analysis
If the quick wordlist option was selected, creates the quick wordlist using the filename, strings from the file, and base64 and base32 decoded versions of those strings, then runs the file through stegcracker
If the rockyou wordlist option was selected, checks to see that the rockyou.txt wordlist is present in the expected /usr/share/wordlists/ folder, then runs the file through stegcracker